The Wise Path
Have you ever been in a situation where someone was trying to get you to do something you knew was wrong? Maybe your friends were egging you on to shoplift or skip school. Or perhaps an older kid was pressuring you to try drugs or alcohol. It can be really tough to resist that kind of peer pressure, especially when it comes from people you want to be liked by or accepted by. The urge to go along with the crowd and do what the cool kids are doing is strong. But the Bible has some great advice for navigating these situations. Proverbs 1:8-10 says: “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. My son, if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them.”
The Wisdom of Parents
This passage starts by telling us to listen to the instruction and teaching of our parents. Why? Because their wisdom and guidance is like a beautiful crown on our head and a precious necklace around our neck. Our parents have lived longer than us. They’ve made mistakes and learned tough lessons. And they want to pass that wisdom on to us so that we can avoid some of the pitfalls and poor choices they made when they were younger. Of course, no parents are perfect. But in general, when our mom and dad tell us something is unwise or dangerous, we should take that seriously. Their guidance comes from a place of love, experience, and wanting the best for us.
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The Danger of Peer Pressure
After encouraging us to follow our parents’ teaching, the passage then warns about the danger of giving in to “sinful men” who try to entice or pressure us into doing wrong. These could be friends, classmates, older kids, or anyone really who is trying to convince us to lie, steal, get drunk, do drugs, or engage in any other harmful or unwise behavior. The pull to go along with the crowd and do what your peers are doing is extremely strong, especially when you’re a teenager. You don’t want to be left out or made fun of. It’s much easier to just follow the herd. But this passage tells us firmly: do NOT give in to them! Don’t let someone else pressure you into making bad choices that could derail your life.
Staying Strong
So how can you stay strong and avoid giving in to that peer pressure? Here are a few tips:
- Stick close to your parents and their teaching. They are on your team and want to see you make wise choices.
- Cultivate good friends who will encourage you to do what is right rather than dragging you down the wrong path. Surround yourself with a positive peer group.
- Have the courage to walk away from situations that make you uncomfortable or that you know involve dangerous or unwise behavior. You don’t have to go along to get along.
- When you feel pressured, remind yourself of your future goals and dreams. Don’t let a moment of peer pressure derail all your hard work.
- Pray for wisdom, courage, and strength. God will help you make good choices if you rely on Him.
The path of wisdom isn’t always the easy or popular choice. But in the long run, it will lead to a life of blessing, honor, and no regrets. Listen to your parents, be wise about the company you keep, and have the strength to resist anyone trying to entice you into sin or foolishness.
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